Our FIRE plan

What is FIRE? FIRE is simply an acronym that stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s a broad movement that was ignited by concepts outlined in the 1992 book “Your Money or Your Life” written by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. The ideas became popular with the millennial generation who Read more…

Our Plan

This plan represents the next step in our financial and family journey.  It is a continuation of many years of preparation (mostly not knowing what we were preparing for).  In 2019, we became aware of a grand adventure called America’s Great Loop, a 6,000 mile boat trip that circumnavigates the Read more…

Retire Early?

What does “Retire Early” mean to us? My boss’ boss retired last year. At his “there’s free cake in the conference room” retirement celebration, I asked him what he had planned. His response surprised me. “I don’t really have anything planned. I’m just going to be open to what the universe Read more…

What is Financial Independence?

What does financial independence actually mean? Definitions a state in which an individual or household has sufficient wealth to live on without having to depend on income from some form of employment Wikipedia (source) From Miriam Webster: financial: relating to finance – finances plural: money or other liquid resources of Read more…