
We have lived on a monthly budget for over 15 years now. Although many people have a negative reaction to the word budget, over that time, we have found it freeing and it actually causes fewer fights about our money. Let’s come right out and say that living on a Read more…

Defining FI

Or “definitions for a community that prides itself on not being defined.” The irony is thick that a community that refuses to accept traditional definitions (retirement begins at 65 then you quit, travel, and grow old on a beach) attempts to add clarity to FIRE by creating definitions for the Read more…

What is Financial Independence?

What does financial independence actually mean? Definitions a state in which an individual or household has sufficient wealth to live on without having to depend on income from some form of employment Wikipedia (source) From Miriam Webster: financial: relating to finance – finances plural: money or other liquid resources of Read more…